December 7th 2016 archive

Here goes!

I just came home after work completely exhausted, and I don’t want anything more than to knit, have some tea, and share my knitterly goodness with others. People who understand this feeling, the need to have wool and needles in your hand the instant you get home (if not already on your way home!). That feeling that the weekday woes don’t matter half as much the minute you get your hands on some soft wooly goodness, and the fact that housework is getting in the way of crafts is way too familiar.:)

So, here goes, I am giving blogging a go yet again. Nowadays whenever I’m home, the first thing I want to watch is podcasts. While I will probably never have a podcast (I’m not so good with cameras), I really want to have a place to share. I’ve tried this many times, but this time I will be planning ahead! I will be on top of taking pictures, and I won’t let perfection get in my way(or dealing with wordpress)!

This first time I’m just going to show you what I’m working on, and one FO.

This time of year I’m usually really into sock knitting. Can you tell? 😛





The first is my wip right now, the others are already snuggly warm FOs for my cold feet. We went to Kandalló Pub last week to watch the Texans game, and I managed to knit all the way from the tip of the toe to just above the heel! Fast knitting! It was two colors from some Drops Fabel. The pink wip is suprisingly nice yarn from Lidl! So happy with how inexpensive it is! Pattern for these is just a simple vanilla sock with a fish lips kiss heel.

The grey purple was also a fun and fast knit for my Mom for her birthday. The pattern for that was the Wildflowers and Honeycombs socks from Olivia Villarreal. Yarn was some drops Fabel that was in my stash.

That’s all for now, but stay tuned for more soon! Next time, I’ll have some Christmasy project bags that I put together, and some more recent FOs!

Have fun knitting!
